Dear Mr. President,
When we called you a change artist we didn’t mean that YOU would change, we thought you were out to change the way politics are played. Were we wrong?
Like Dr. King we are dreamers, but I never dreamed it would come to this – that we are leading you. Why is it not the other way around? Even crass politics requires you to LOOK like you are leading and putting up a good fight. Nobody faults a politician for acting like a general to his army of supporters.
I don’t mean a violent fight, of course, because we touted you as the first nonviolent president - at least one with some understanding of the nonviolent movement. I remind you, however, that we practiced nonviolent DIRECT ACTION. There was nothing passive about it.
You are disappointing us, Sir, and I don’t mean the ones who gave up on you early, just waiting for an excuse to leave. We stayed when you escalated an unwinnable war claiming young lives to prop up Karzai and his criminal “family.” We stuck when you gave up public option prior to negotiations on health care. We swallowed hard when you didn’t close Guantanamo and failed to advocate strongly for repeal of don’t ask, don’t tell. We are the millions of long suffering supporters like the lady at town meeting who said she was exhausted defending you.
Do you intend to rain on this parade? Boy scout training teaches that a drip can kill a spark but a deluge cannot douse a conflagration. We hope you are not the drip putting out our spark. Remember HOPE?
As our champion confronting the giant, did you forget to pick up some rocks, maybe left your slingshot at home? Nonviolence is good, but this is ridiculous! In the movement we turn the other cheek, but we don’t ray our principles.
Even Jesus, the Prince of Peace, got mad. He believed in direct action. When he plaited a whip - look out scribes and Pharacese! And for God’s sake don’t be changing no money over at the temple!
Has politics become so cynical that a fighting spirit in defense of principles no longer plays well? It would be great for your base, and might even gain the respect of Independents and some moderate Republicans. As a radical, a progressive and an activist, I can’t help admiring heartless rightwing Republicans and crazy tea heads. They close ranks and fight for their cause. Tea partiers, to the small extend they are working class, should be organized by Democrats, not the lying right.
If Progressives don’t stand for something, will we stand for anything? You and your aids have given up on each political fight, even before taking the field. Unlike little David, your political advisor, Axelrod, went out to meet Goliar and Co. with his hands up. Weeks ago he said tax cut extensions for the richest 2% was on the table. We knew then that you were going to give it to them.
We can only imagine the confab he had with Tan Man and General McConnell.
Axelhead: Well fellas, what was it you unwashed, stinking, skin wearing barbarians wanted?
Boehner mumbles something about chicken crap.
Axelhead: Oh, uh, you want to extend tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires? Well, uh, my president certainly wants to get along and not be overly partisan. We can probably, uh… work something out…. I’ll get back to you.
Well, Mr. President, we will stay tuned and see what you work out.
Bob Zellner
While the labor movement here is conducting the biggest fightback against repression since the 1965 March on Washington and the biggest wave of democratic revolutions since the European revolutions of 1848 is sweeping the Middle East and Japan is dealing with an incredible series of disasters,where's Obama? Oh yeah, he's on a family junket through Latin America. If he's back by April 4th he's invited to Birmingham.
The Central Alabama Labor Council, AFL-CIO is sponsoring a Rally in Birmingham Monday, April 4 starting at 5pm in Lynn Park, between the County Courthouse and City Hall. Let's make some noise and let the reactionaries in Montgomery and Washington know that the Labor Movement is not dead, regardless of their wishes. Now it's our turn and in our town. Come on and let's make some noise!